Status Cars > When Was An Electric Car Invented

When Was An Electric Car Invented

When Was An Electric Car Invented

Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular today, with many people opting to buy them due to their fuel efficiency and eco-friendly nature. But have you ever wondered when the first electric car was invented? The invention of the electric car dates back to the early 19th century, and this article will take you on a journey through history to discover when the first electric car was invented and how it has evolved throughout the years.

The history of the electric car is a long and fascinating one, dating back to the early 1800s. The first electric car was invented by Robert Anderson, who was a Scottish inventor and scientist. In 1832, he created the world’s first electric car prototype. This was the beginning of a new era, and soon after, many other inventors began working on developing their designs.

In the mid-1850s, an American inventor named Thomas Davenport designed and constructed the first electric car in the United States. He used a small electric motor to power a model car, which he displayed at an exposition in Vermont in 1854. However, Davenport’s invention was not widely accepted at the time, and it took another decade for people to see its potential.

In the late 1880s and early 1890s, electric cars began to gain popularity in the United States, particularly as a mode of transportation in cities. Ultimately, the electric car enjoyed a surge of interest in the 1890s, with many manufacturers developing electric cars for general use. Some of the most popular electric automobile brands at that time included Columbia, Baker, and Studebaker.

However, as the 20th century progressed, gasoline-powered cars became more widespread, leading to a decline in the popularity of the electric car. Many car manufacturers stopped producing electric cars, and by the 1930s, most electric cars on the roads were simply used as golf carts or for other short distance transport.

Fast forward to the 21st century, and electric cars made a comeback. With concerns around climate change and the need for sustainable transport, many people saw electric cars as a solution. The renowned brand Tesla became a pioneer of modern electric cars, developing models with longer ranges and higher speeds than earlier models, while also offering luxury features.


The history of the electric car is a fascinating one, taking us through more than 150 years of innovation and progress. From Robert Anderson’s first prototype to the modern electric cars of today, there have been many advances and changes in this field. But the earliest electric car was invented in 1832, which means that electric cars have been around for nearly two centuries. Today, electric cars are becoming increasingly popular and are seen by many as the future of transport, with governments around the world offering incentives to people for buying an electric car. With continuing advances in technology, electric cars could soon become a widespread and common sight on our roads.