Status Cars > Why Does Tesla Charging Slow Down

Why Does Tesla Charging Slow Down

Why Does Tesla Charging Slow Down

Understanding Tesla Superchargers and Charging Speeds

Tesla has revolutionized the electric vehicle industry with their sleek designs and long range capabilities. However, one of the biggest concerns among Tesla owners is the slow down of charging speeds. So, what causes it? In this post, we’ll explore the reasons behind why Tesla charging slows down and how to avoid it.

The first thing to understand when it comes to Tesla charging speeds is the Tesla Superchargers. These are the quick and convenient charging stations found at various Tesla locations and along major freeways. Depending on the model of your Tesla, they can deliver up to 720 kilowatts (kW) of power, which means that an 80% charge can be achieved in as little as 30 minutes.

However, it’s important to note that the charging speed at a Supercharger can vary greatly depending on several factors such as:

– The number of vehicles charging simultaneously
– The current battery level of your Tesla
– The external temperature
– The total charging time

If a Supercharger is heavily utilized, or if you start charging with a nearly full battery, your Tesla charging speed may slow down significantly.

Battery Health and Management

Another factor that can cause Tesla charging to slow down is the health and management of the battery itself. Over time, Tesla batteries can develop a so-called “memory effect,” which means that they won’t be able to hold as much charge as when they were new. This can become particularly noticeable if you frequently charge your Tesla to 100% or let it drain to zero.

To prevent the memory effect and ensure optimal battery performance, Tesla recommends keeping your battery charged between 20% and 80%. Additionally, make sure to charge your Tesla when the battery level drops below 50% to prevent deep-discharging.

Charging Location and Capacity

Finally, the location and capacity of the charging station can also affect Tesla charging speeds. For example, a non-Tesla charging station or a level 1 or 2 charger may take significantly longer to charge your battery than a Tesla Supercharger. Additionally, if the charging station is at full capacity or if the power supply is limited, your Tesla charging speed may slow down as well.

To maximize your Tesla charging speed, always choose a Tesla Supercharger when possible, and check that the station is not at full capacity.


In conclusion, there are several factors that can cause Tesla charging to slow down, including Supercharger availability and usage, battery health and management, and location and capacity of the charging station. By understanding these factors and following the best practices recommended by Tesla, you can ensure that your Tesla charging is as fast and reliable as possible.